Following the launch of our first novel, Fog Over Mandaree, we printed up bookmarks to promote our free book. Ten THOUSAND bookmarks, to be specific!
Go big or go home, right?
If you would be willing to help spread the word, please let us know and we’ll be glad to mail you some, while supplies last (we only have 10,000 of these things, after all!)
Transcript for FraeLea Conversations Episode 4 – Unboxing Bookmarks
RaeLea: Hi, welcome to FraeLea Conversations. Today’s conversation is Bookmarks!
Frank: Specifically, unboxing bookmarks. We had our book released, our book launched, last week. And, our book cover was really well received. I think it was doing its job of actually getting people to look at the book and open it up.
R: The illustrator did a fantastic job.
F: And, we are going to have a future episode where we talk about the book cover in a little bit more detail and the design process. So, that will be coming up. But today, we’re going to be talking about bookmarks.
R: Bookmarks.
F: So, we got bookmarks. We’ve got ten thousand of them that we printed up.
R: That’s the most they would allow.
F: Yeah! Ten thousand. So, we got a good bulk price as a result. But, these bookmarks, and I’ll have a closeup here that you can look at, too. It has the cover of it (the book) on one side, our version of the cover, because, we had to kind of resize and adjust for width and all that. And, on the backside, we’ve got the description. The little book blurb, as we call it. And, a QR code, so you can scan it in on your phone. And, the web address, so people can get the book from there. So, we’re giving away our first book, our first novel, for free. Which, we’ve already talked about with our last video. If you’ve watched that.
R: Right.
F: So, this is just kind of our way of getting the word out. So, for any of our fans out there, if you would like bookmarks to help spread the word, we would love you and would appreciate that. Just email us your mailing address and we’ll send you a couple hundred or so, if you are willing.
R: Or, a whole box, three hundred.
F: Yes, three hundred in a box. And, like I said, we have ten thousand of these to give out. Our goal is to get enough subscribers so that when we start launching our series we’re working on, that will have enough people to build some inertia for the initial sales and reviews of the books. Because, that is so important on Amazon and for book selling.
R: And, they are reusable, so when you have downloaded your book, please pass it along to a friend.
F: Unless you actually want to use the bookmark on a physical book. If so, have fun with it. So that is our announcement for unboxing the bookmarks. If you’d like one, drop us a line, and thanks again for watching. You can reach us at Thanks for reading our books.
R: Thank you.