If you pre-ordered the next novel in the Ascending Mage series (Ascending Mage 8: Arctic Front), you may have been surprised to receive a cancellation email from Amazon.
Upon postponing the release date for AM8–three times (whoops!)–Amazon made the decision to cancel the release and refund customer pre-orders. This is unfortunate for us and for readers, but within the parameters of their rules.
To be clear: we’re still continuing with writing Ascending Mage 8: Arctic Front (along with the rest of the ten-book series). It’s just now delayed to release in early 2021.
We know you’re eager to see what Ember Wright does next, and we’re eager to tell her story! Sometimes, the germination process just takes longer than planned.
Bear with us (lame pun intended, if you notice the cover art featuring Brevar, the changeling polar bear); you won’t have to wait (too) long for the Arctic Front to arrive!